Imagine that you weren't born in the U.S. Imagine that you were born in another country like Germany, Mexico or Indonesia. You were brought to the U.S. before you turned 16. You were either a baby, or five years old when you came. Basically, the United States is all you know. You know English and you love this country. Even though the U.S. is your home, you're not a legal citizen. You've never even been to the country you were born in but thankfully you have DACA ( Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) which allows certain illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age to obtain a renewable two-year period that doesn't allow deportation and gives you a permit to work. Your parents brought you here so that you can escape the troubles of the country you were born in. You have goals and dreams to accomplish in the U.S. and you're thankful that you have DACA.

But now think about how you would feel after you find out that the President is taking away DACA. This is your home and the only place you know. Now you have to live in fear that you may get deported and thrown to the other side of the boarder to the country you were born in but never lived in. You may not even know the native language there. Sure, you can say you can just do the procedures to become a citizen but that is a long process and not everyone qualifies for it. This is America, the country who is the land of the free. You came here at a young age, just because you weren't born here you will get sent back to the country you don't know.

About 800,000 people have DACA. Some of those 800,000 people are in college, studying to be doctors, lawyers, policemen. Some of those people are already the professions they desired to be. Those people are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends and children.

On Tuesday, I was able to attend a protest to keep DACA. I attended it not just because I have friends who have DACA, but because I believe in protection for all. I know that taking away DACA is wrong and I truly hope you think so too. So I encourage you to contact your local officials and tell them to support sanctuary legislation.


  1. DACA is something I strongly stand for too. I think it is very wrong that the President wants to take this away from people who know nothing other than living in the U.S. I hope the support for the people with DACA keeps growing and becoming stronger.
    Alejandra Botello

  2. That is awesome that you were able to attend a protest! It is great that you are standing up for what you believe in. The elimination of DACA hits so close to home for us because we are college students. I do not know if you saw the email that Dr. Livingston sent to Lewis students, but I would encourage any one who is looking for more information on DACA to read it.


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