Ever since I was little, I've wanted to be an educator. I would always beg my parents for a chalkboard. Eventually, I got one and I would play school with my younger cousins. I always saw how teachers moods impacted their students. Ive had bad teachers -who would make students cry- and I've had good teachers -who would make students laugh. I decided that I would do my best to be a good teacher. This Ted Talks video, truly gives me motivation and examples how a teacher truly molds their students. A good teacher is someone who brings out the best in their students and takes their time ensuring that every student learns and doesn't work just for a paycheck. In this video, Rita Pierson talked about how she had a class who the students were the worst academically skilled. But instead of allowing them to think that, she told them that they were the smartest and best and were paired with the best teacher. This motivated the class and shows that a good teacher can change the mindset of their students in a positive way. 


  1. I am so happy you have such a passion for teaching. I have also had teachers who have made students cry and basically make everyone dread going to their classes! Don't get me wrong though, I do believe there are good teachers out there as well. You sound really motivated and I hope you are able to accomplish your dream.

  2. Hi!
    I think the video does a really great job at encompassing the passion a person has to have toward education in order to truly become a good teacher. I've also had my share of good and bad teachers, and I think anyone who wants to be a teacher should strive to be the best teacher they can be because they really do impact their students. It is awesome that you've known what you wanted to become since a young age, especially since the choices are endless and it can be hard to decide. I know your passion towards education will lead you to become the teacher you want to be.
    Alejandra Botello


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